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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sonny and Shear Fingering Weight

I shipped off a box to Sonny and Shear yesterday with fifteen skeins of fingering weight. There are four colors available.

Sonny and Shear Fingering Weight

1. Sax and Violins (four skeins)
2. BettaFish (four skeins)
3. Savoy (four skeins)
4. Rosewood (three skeins) - there's a fourth skein with too many knots that I'll put up for sale in my Etsy shop as a second.

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

Most of the sport weight yarn at Sonny and Shear is sold now :)

I'd come up with a genius alternative plan to get some Louet fingering weight yarn since the dye yarn was still backordered. Not telling my secret though, in case I have to do it again.

So on the day I shipped this order out I got a notice from Louet that my backordered yarn had shipped. LOL Well at least I'll have some of that in stock for the next order.

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