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Thursday, October 23, 2008

You can has Countinator!

So we're sold out of the Super Revolution Countinators! for the moment. Talk about surprise. I wasn't, I knew there were lots of zoned out skeinwinding people out there just like me who were waiting for a nice quiet thing to count the revolutions for us.

Cody didn't really think so. He thought surely I was the only freak who wanted to count how many times a winder went round and round and round. He has nooo idea how many indie dyers there are out there going deaf and crazy from the clickclickclick of those bale counters.

So he made five of the original model - one is on my winder. One is on its way to Utah, another should already be in California. Two were overnighted to Iowa yesterday for a winding emergency. Yeah, I'd say we have a market for them honey.

He's delighted by this. So we're going to order more parts and make more of them. The digital counter might be different than the original white model. So people will even have a choice of blue, green, or red soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The California one has arrived! Thank you! I've got a weekend of dyeing ahead of me and then the skeining begins again! Can't wait to try it out. Meanwhile though, I had to play with it a little just to watch those numbers go up! Yeah, I'm just a big kid.