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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Handmade Bath Products: Bath Tea

This one is a total cheat. But if you package it in a cute enough way people will be impressed. Make three and bundle them together in a nice fabric and tie a ribbon at the top.

A note about herbs: I used food grade herbs because you (or your giftee) will be absorbing elements of these products while you're soaking in them so it's best to go ahead and use the same thing you'd put in your body.

Lavender Mint Bath Tea

Lavender Mint Bath Tea

Small Muslin Bags (you can get them at papermart)
Dried Lavender Buds
Mint Tea (any kind of blend will do really but be careful with caffeinated blends for the overly caffeine sensitive)
A business card sized card to write on
optional: dried baby rosebuds

Blend lavender with tea and optional rosebuds. Don't crush too much. Put in bags. Tie double knots in bag to close.

Seriously that's all. Attach cute card with this written on it: Run warm bath and drop unopened bag in water. Allow to steep like tea. Can be hung to dry and reused two more times.

I actually got pretty hyper taking a bath with one that had a caffeinated mint tea in it. Remember this stuff does come in through your pores so be careful if you're making it for people who are sensitive to caffeine or include a warning on the card.

It's a pretty cute and easy present though isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My secret santee LOVED the yarn and the gypsy shawl kit. Her daughter told me that she's getting a book on sock knitting for Christmas (the daughter is getting one for my santee, that is), so that yarn will be put to good use right away. :) And she loved the colors.

Since she opened it at a christmas party, about three other people who wish they had more time to knit drooled over your stuff - I passed out the extra cards and you might get more orders soon!