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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tiny Etsy Update and A Tinier Spinning Lesson

Just a quickie update to the Etsy Shop this weekend. Here are two roving braids of handpainted Blue Faced Leicester.

The first one is Ancient Oaks with some rich russet browns

Ancient Oak 3.5 oz BFL

This one is called Love Me or Leave Me and has lots of the white space I'm sure you've noticed I love playing with.

Love me or Leave me 4 oz BFL

Depending on how you spin that will produce either very light shades of color blends or a barberpole effect. I usually go with the barberpole effect, here's a good example of what I mean by that term.

Ballet Slippers is 95 yds of handspun silk glitz merino luxury single ply yarn

The way I get that effect is pretty much using the inchworm technique of drafting without letting the colors blend then letting go of my hand closer to the wheel and let the colors twist back on themselves.